Dev. Journal 2024.09.09

August was a very tough month we spend in creating solution for correct EVM and CS blockchain node working with addresses. 

There was a problem to choose among different ways - rewrite EVM to work with CS addresses, or to allow CS node to work with Eth (short 20 bytes) addresses, or refuse the full Solidity functionality.

First way turnes EVM update into a core recoding challenge and make the system more vulnerable, so we rejected it. The last one is not out goal. 

So we decided to choose the second one. 

We taught the node to work with 20-byte addresses. This offers many advantages such as interchain bridges and using alternative wallet systems, such as metamask without any substantial upgrades. We wanted to prepare a short demonstration last week, but this took a lot of work in node security update (new transaction types, serializations, another validation algorithms, APIs), so we postpone this demonstration for a short time (not more than end this week).

Stay in touch.

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