Dev. Journal 2024.10.04

During last two weeks many people can get an impression, that we stopped the blockchain development, but it's only your impression ... now about plans and results.

Our roadmap for Q3 was:


* Launching Solidity contracts in mainnet (we haven't done this because we need the final decision about optimal storing method - will be clarified during nearest load tests of new features)

* Implementing of JSON-RPC for Solidity in rest nodeApi (implemented, needed more time than initially planned, the only unsolved feature is Metamask test with token transfer, will be fininshed soon)


* Testing and launching of JSON-RPC for Solidity (in internal tests now)

* Finishing Credits infrastructure to work with Solidity contracts (the new infrastructure for Solidity contracts is being developed, just finished)

* API serialization boost endian adjustment (postponed)

* QS result multisystem readability (postponed)

* Development of staking and reward system (another way of solving this problem was created during system requirements examination: from one side the immediate balance gain is very good result, but from other side in case of 100 delegators in one node all keys and rewards should be every block saved in blockchain, it's very irrational way, al nod holders know it)


* Finishing and launching staking and reward system (in state of decision)  

* Rewriting texts on dev portal (will be updated after API finished)        

* SDK add, update and upgrade (will be updated after API finished)

And now why so many posnponed tasks... We wanted to implement JSON-RPC API to make our network more communicative. But geniue JSON-RPC protocol uses 20-bytes eth addresses and cryptography, so we coudln't just change the addresses and crypto-methods. 

1. But we taught our node to understand the 20-byte addresses when user attaches an eth 20-byte address to his CS-address. Now this address can be used to send eth like transactions through CS-Network. 

2. We taught our node api to understand the eth-transaction, under internal testing now.

3. We nearly taught our node to understand eth solidity contract transactions. Nearly - there are different versions used by different products, we need to implement the most usefull for the neccesary needs.

4. And we can use now Metamask to read and send info to our node api, aquire blocks, balances, and even send transactions (including token ones).

These weekends we'll try to run test version of blockchain bridge, that will simplify our goals to be reached.

After the stable token results the demo will be published and everyone can test our new api functions with third-party wallets, like Metamask and so on (we use Metamask for tests, and other wallets test results are very interesting to adjustment the system)

Next week we'll publish our Q4 roadmap.

As announcement:

- end of October - test of CS-token withdraval to side chain with trade in side dex

- end of December - test of dex on CS-chain base

Stay tuned!

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