Credits Blockchain Patent Package: Securing Competitive Power

Over the past few months, patents for Credits technology have been published. It is expected that the capacity of the technology will soon be expanded to enable it to provide high operational reliability and performance. The approach is in great demand with financial transactions related to network-based payments like money transfers and alternative electronic solutions.

The infrastructure of Credits platform has been designed and built from scratch. Credits’ technology has been created to allow a number of industries to take advantage of blockchain technologies, engage in secure electronic commerce, issue tokens, and launch decentralized applications. Receiving several exclusive rights is a vital step for Credits to secure more competitive power and gain more room for further development. The list of best practices contains the following features:

The invention is developed to create new tools that contribute to the most efficient collaborative decision-making by nodes in a decentralized network, including maximum security when performing group collaborative decision-making in a decentralized network, which provides, for example, the generation and performance of transactions, such as cryptocurrency ones or the implementation of the smart contract environment.

The invention contributes to a highly efficient generation, execution, validation, and verification of transactions in a decentralized network, where any decisions made by the nodes of a decentralized network regarding transactions are acceptable to all network nodes.

The invention has been designed to significantly improve the performance of a decentralized network as a whole by collaborative sharing work between computer devices of the same class while making joint decisions that are suitable for all nodes participating in a decentralized network.

The obtained Credits patents are an effective step to stimulate the life processes of the platform and are a key requirement for meeting the technology-based needs of users. It is also critical to overall economic growth. Value from patents provides a wide range of benefits as they apply to the cooperation with businesses. They provide freedom of movement in the company’s activity. It is especially relevant in a crowded crypto field with many competitors.

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