Blockchain planned updates 4Q 2020.

We have provided below a detailed description of the Mainnet updates planned for 4Q2020. 

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October 2020

  • Synchronization: multithreading processing. Finalizing a new synchronization mechanism.

  • Thrift documentation, smart token Methods. Documentation on the thrift interface for a node, methods for processing smart contracts, and tokens.

  • Internal testing for obtaining 100k-1M TPS requirements. Internal testing for getting requirements on the way to 100K-1M.

  • Web wallet update: sending transactions in the background and parallelization. When the transaction is sent out, it goes into the queue to wait there for the node message. The message should confirm the installation in blockchain or its rejection. The main screen is not getting locked after the transaction is out. So you can continue working, including sending new transactions.

November 2020

  • The Monitor and Node Update. Statistics on trusted nodes. The monitor and the node modification will include information about funds delegation to the accounts of trusted nodes into the statistics. 

  • Consensus: restriction on the staking cap to 500k.  Setting a psychological limit of 500K for the size of the stake, the probability of becoming a trusted node is the same for nodes over 500K.

  • Updating The Monitor. Removing inaccuracies noticed in monitor operation: the output of graphic and text information.

  • API update. Completing the API node, so it is able to work with the web-wallet or any other wallet in the sending mode by any other wallet in the transaction sending mode in parallel processes.

December 2020

  • Quick start of a node in 10 minutes. Start without reading the blockchain database.

  • Protection against database locks. Development of protection against shutdowns caused by incorrect operation of the database.

  • Protection against Executor locks. Development of protection against shutdowns caused by excessive memory consumption by the executor.

  • Select trusted for N rounds 100. Introduction to the consensus the choice of trusted nodes once in N rounds (by default N = 100).

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