Q&A Session with Credits’ CEO Igor Chugunov Nov 24th

Hi everyone. 

Please find below the answers to the questions you have asked us last week. 

Thank you for your engagement!

Q: “Сommunity been wondering about how partnership gaiming is going?”

A: The latest update is still the same, Gaimin is yet not at the stage to proceed with the partnership. At present Gaimin is going through the expansion of the beta testing. They will start looking into the blockchain integration option as per the MOU we have in place much later. 

Q: “Admin, did you ever run my idea past the team of creating stable coins back by stocks like Apple, Facebook etc… I’m telling you it’s easy to buy dollars now anywhere and so many coins. The next demand for people all around the world is easy access without government control to buying stocks. This will be a differentiator and keep us apart from every other project

And the demand will be through the roof - more than any other crypto project besides for stable coins. Everyone I know wants to own some big stocks but exchange controls and minimum values set down by governments and large funds are a barrier?”

A: Thanks for the suggestion. New ideas are born every day in the crypto market, many of them are interesting. We as a company cannot chase all the rabbits. Credits team is busy with the development of the existing products. However, often we have projects approaching us and wanting to build something great on the Credits blockchain, so we may pass this to them as a possibility.

Q: “We can use the 20 mil unclaimed CS for the staking rewards, like 500,000 CS/month for 3+ years? or burn ?”

A: Unclaimed coins will be burnt.

Q: “How many holders credits has?”

A: We are not doing these statistics, we have the number of wallet owners, but this will not reflect the total number of CS holders. 

Q: “What is now the target TPS to demonstrate when ready (and when?)?”

A: All updates on the Speed/Load test provided is a separate publication, so please wait for the next one. Here is the link to the update last week. 

Q: “Hello, can you still buy credits on kucoin and then transfer them to wallets? Or do u have to do manual swap?”

A: Yes, CS native coin is on Kucoin, you do not need to swap if you buy there. You can transfer them to Credits wallets. 

Q: ” Speed test in Dec last week?

A: Yet no specific date set, we continue releasing updates on the Speed/Load Test in separate publications.

Q: Coinmarketcap rank slide from under 200 to 854...My simple question to the team is what is hindering them to go in better exchanges? Before mainnet, they were saying we will go to top exchanges after mainnet...but now mainnet is stable, wallets are there...Is there a genuine reason to stick with Kucoin???The team itself is holding more than anybody else and the return of that investment will benefit Team members more than anybody. Rather than airdropping and giving away the tokens, they can join a better exchange to increase the value and volume...they will never need to waste so many coins for airdrop and 10K worth coins to node runner anymore

Q: What holds the team from getting listed in Binance or Huobi?

Q: When new exchanges?

A: We know that the listing question is one of the hottest in a community. We are working on this. To find an exchange with good services/appropriate listing price is not that easy as it might seem from the outside. 

Thanks for sending us your questions!

Please remember we collect questions in our social media and TG chats during the week, and answer them each Tuesday. Anything else you wanted to ask us, you are very welcome to do so on our channels!

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