Updates from the Development Team: Digital Wallet

Dear Credits Community. We have great news here!

This week developing team continued testing the pre-release version of the Digital Wallet!

Upon ensuring all installed functions work smoothly we have made some updates to the app’s interface to improve its usability!

Below are the changes made together with the screenshots!

Settings of the app are moved to the separate tab:

We added an option to choose your preferred currency in the default settings of the Wallet:

Functions added to the new version of the Digital Wallet are reviewed and tested by developers and their current statuses are: 

  • Purchase (included in the new release)

  • Exchange (included in the new release)

  • Withdrawal (in testing now)

  • Saving bank cards (option to add to the device confirmed)

Screenshot of purchase of cryptocurrency in the test app:

Confirmation of purchase by the card (VISA used in this test):

Screenshot of cryptocurrency exchange (CS to ETH):

Screenshot of saving the card details to your app:

Credits Team is very excited about the new version of the Digital Wallet with all these functionalities installed. 

The release date is coming soon! Stay tuned!

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