Credits Weekly Digest

Dear Credits Community, our weekly news update!

As always we’ve answered your most important questions received the previous week in our Q&A Session with Igor Chugunov. Please find it here.  We welcome your feedback and questions, please feel free to reach out on our social media and in TG chats. 

Blockchain. Public Speed/Load Test. 

This week's plan for internal tests was changed as we have discovered the bug in the first internal test we held earlier this week. 

The bug especially strongly  interferes with spammers’ work. So we had to take extra time fixing it to reschedule the test with the external group of testers for next Monday, April 5th. 

Please stay tuned, we will be publishing results of this forthcoming test next week and will inform you on when the Public Speed/Load Test will be taking place or if further series of internal tests will be required. 

Blockchain. MainNet Update.

We continue preparing for the April MainNet update. 

This and last week following the Internal Speed/Load Tests we performed, we had to refine  the transaction propagation algorithm. We are currently testing this updated function and if it behaves well with a large number of nodes, we will also include it in the April MainNet update. This revamped algorithm should significantly reduce traffic, especially on networks with a large number of nodes.

Credits Digital Wallet

This week team was busy with improving and integrating new functions to the wallet, please see the details what we are working on below:

  1. We have begun work to improve the fault tolerance and stability of the service platform

  2. We started to work on Transactions Retry functionality installation

  3. We are working on integration with the system that will allow building loyalty programs and accruing bonuses for using the services of our Digital Wallet.

We would like to thank you all for your continuous support and feedback! 

Credits Team wishes you a good weekend and stay tuned for further news from us!

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