Welcome to Credits Q&A Session! Thank you for being eager to keep up to date with everything happening at the Credits project. Here are the latest questions from our community.
Q1. May we have more info on how sanctions will affect credits work and usage of the neobank?A At this moment there is no effect of sanctions imposed on the Credits work routine. There are team members based in Moscow who work from the office and others in different locations working remotely. As for the sanctions impact on Credits products, they cannot interfere with our product line, as blockchain is a decentralized global network, and Credits Wallet is a product registered in Europe and for Europe at this moment. So the team continues working as planned and development is in the process.
Q2. The situation what’s going on now in Russia, stop the banks from the SWIFT, gonna affect cs team financially?A The situation can of course affect Credits team members in their daily life. Businesswise, we had a couple of our accounts being frozen, and had to pass additional compliance checks, which was done successfully. In general the communication with Western partners has slowed down, however, this is due to the volatile international situation as a whole, and not because the Credits team is Russian. As you know Credits is registered in Europe, so the business routine of the project will not be affected by the crisis.
Q3. When the team gonna back to London?A In view of the current political situation, it is a difficult task to relocate a team to the UK ( this includes a number of factors such as logistics). However, the main Credits’ office stays in London, UK.
Q4. Is the public Wallet release still on track for March? Or is the team affected by the war?A The team works as usual, preliminary we are on schedule with a release at the end of March, however, there might be additional tasks in the development and slight delays are possible.
Q5. Is credits an ISO 20022 coin ? And if not … are you working on it ?
A At this moment Credits (CS) coin is not an ISO coin.