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Digital Transformation EXPO Europe 2019 Report

Credits is proud to take stock of the event that took place on 9-10 October 2019, in London. The Digital Transformation EXPO has united the experts in IT, cybersecurity, and AI fields. The event has provided the opportunity for our ambassador, Ruslanas Michrabovas, to hold business negotiations with representatives of the large firms and demonstrate the next-generation product of Credits.

Europe’s Digital Transformation EXPO is an annual event that shows and tells the whole technological business changes that are happening at the moment. More than 300 expert speakers share their views and experience in the IT industry, thereby enabling visitors to consult official sources and obtain information on the advanced strategy, and cloud computing, IoT, DevSecOps, and hacking, data insight, machine & deep learning, and more.  

On 9-10 October 2019, there was a high demand for innovative business solutions and technological capabilities to ensure data security. In this connection, the participants of the event could not overlook the contribution of the Credits blockchain platform. Its representative, Ruslanas Michrabovas, has made great progress and held a series of talks with businesspersons interested in applying the technology. 

One of the earliest contacts he made with was the Panda Security SL, as they had a stake in the security and transparency of the blockchain technology. We also had a fruitful discussion with Mike Riley, the solution engineer at Oracle. Furthermore, among other companies with whom our ambassador has managed to establish contacts was Netfoundry which had an interest in dApps and security. All information received will be properly studied by Credits and considered in the matter of the company's foreign policy.

Thanks to Ruslanas Michrabovas for the work done! Follow us for further developments!

About Credits Blockchain Platform
Credits is an open-source and decentralized blockchain platform for the development and execution of smart contracts and decentralized applications. The project offers public and private solutions suitable for B2C and B2B markets eliminating the problems of trust and uncertainty. The peculiarity of Credits is a high-speed decentralized blockchain platform that provides from 50,000 transactions per second with a confirmation time of a single transaction around 0.1 second and low fees around 0.001 USD. The platform is intended to develop standalone smart contracts and decentralized applications

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