Credits Weekly Digest November the 20th

Good evening all!


This week went fast and here is the summary of news from us. 


Most of the questions you've asked us last week were covered in the Q&A Tuesday Session with the CEO. We encourage this communication, please send any of your queries and questions via social media channels and Telegram chats. We keep these Tuesday sessions weekly.


Our Development Team is busy as always. Please find here updates on Speed/Load Test and Digital Wallet. 


We also published a short article on CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) and our vision and work in this direction. You can read it here. 


This week we have asked your opinion on what is the major prerequisite for fintech growth and received the results below.    

  1. Growth of clients using alternative financial institutions 50%

  2. Increased cross-border mobility 28%

  3. Low availability of financing from traditional banking organizations 12%

  4. Increased number of mobile devices 10%

Happy weekend everyone, we will come back next week with more positive news!

Do not forget to install our wallet, new version is on its way! 



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