Credits Digest

Here you can find all our news and updates that have taken place over the past few days. Please note that due to the development routine, a two-week sprint, we will start to issue News Digests twice a month,and this Digest will be the last in this year.

Credits Q&A 

Please find here the latest session of Q&A, which was published on December 18th. Please feel free to send questions over to us via social media or TG chat. Due to the number of questions received, we are changing monthly AMAs to twice a month sessions, with the next one being released on December 28th.

Node Reward Program

is renewed from November 2021, with remuneration being distributed in December. Please find details of November rewards  here.


Team continues working on the tasks for developing an executor and integrating EVM to the node. 

Among other news: we identified and fixed a bug in processing the large size states of smart contracts operation. These are usually smart contracts containing lists, hash-maps and dictionaries.

Currently, we are monitoring the code with these fixes on the TestNet to determine bugs that could potentially appear after the 100kB limit is lifted.

Credits wallet

The Credist wallet development is in full speed! What we have managed in the last sprint:
In the production environment (which will be available to customers soon): replenishment of accounts by card (acquiring) is set. Now you can make transactions to replenish the Client's account in the wallet (for now in EUR currency), at a later stage we will add option exchange from fiat currency (EUR) for cryptocurrency and vice versa.

In the test environment: we received updated Credits wallet mobile application with new design and some added functionalities, which now will be tested. Updated features include replenishment of the Client's accounts in Credits via bank transfer (SEPA).

The functionality which is currently being tested should become available in the Production environment at the end of January. As soon as the tests are finished and fixes set we will pass this Credits Wallet version to the Production. 

In the next sprint we will continue to set up the production environment, finalizing the last things there. This pool of tasks is aimed at ensuring stability and safety of work. As stated above, Credits Wallet will most probably become available for external tests at the end of January 2022, and we will announce the start of tests separately. 

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