Credits Digest

Here you can find all our news and updates that have taken place over the past two weeks. Please note that we are issuing News Digests twice a month due to the development routine, a two-week sprint.

Credits Q&A 

Please find here the latest session of Q&A, which was published on February 28th. Please feel free to send questions via social media or TG chat. Due to the number of questions received, we are changing monthly AMAs to twice a month sessions.

Node Reward Program

To encourage Credits node holders monthly, we run the Credits Rewards Program. January distribution details released on February 10th, and we will soon release February distribution details, please stay tuned. 


The Blockchain team continues with the enhancement tasks as planned in the Blockchain Strategy. 

1. Team continues to work on the development of the executor and EVM  integration. Over the past two weeks, the team was busy setting up a sandbox and securing contracts’ execution.

2. Team discovered one a bug in the network module that was causing double addresses in the neighbors’ list, and this bug was successfully fixed.

3. Team added new functionality allowing users to receive a report from the node on a given wallet for all income / expenses and this feature is now in testing.

4. The team has added new functionality for individual nodes to issue a report on trusted nodes. The monitor is being finalized, and we plan to upload its update next week.

Credits wallet

The Credit wallet development sprint was finished on Friday, March 5th, and we have now moved into the next one. Below we provide an overview of the previous sprint results and tasks for the ongoing.

In this last sprint the main focus was on internal settings of the wallet and here is a list of what we have implemented:

1. Establishing a permanent backup process;

2. Integration of a batch principle to send CS to the network;

3. Adding logging of for all entities and operations;

4. Optimization of many internal accounting functions (pulling up transaction IDs, changing document external ID and invoice statuses);

5. Adding a list of sanctions maps;

6. Limits integration.

Part of this updated functioning is now in internal testing. We are also testing a new production version, and as soon as this test is satisfying, we will make it public. 

As we keep on receiving many questions on the effects of sanctions on the development process and future operation of Credits Wallet, please note that there are no consequences so far for this product. 

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