Credits Weekly Digest

Welcome to Credits Weekly Digest!
Here you can find all our news and updates that have taken place over the past few days.
The Process of Blockchain Renewal
Given the short period elapsed since completing a test of a new assembly in the MainNet, there are no further developments to report separately beyond those that have been addressed in the previous report. Credits development team continues a thorough work on debugging. 
Credits Web Wallet Updates
After a successful launch of the Fixed Period Delegation Function, we have performed several preliminary procedures on a test web wallet on implementing a more friendly format for inputting the dates. The Streamlined Inputting Dates Adjustment that displays a fixed period for coin delegation went public this week.
Furthermore, Credits team completed the integration of Web Wallet and launched 1 more acquirer (backup) in the internal test.
Q&A Session with Credits CEO, Igor Chugunov
As usual, we’ve answered the most important questions received the previous week in Q&A Session with our CEO Igor Chugunov. Please find it here.
What’s Next?
The upcoming activities remain consistent and are intended for upgrading several key things:
  • A new mechanism that will increase the rewards for nodeholders. Scheduled soon. 
  • A new version of the website that includes a more intuitive and user-friendly experience, improved access to Credits products and services, and lots of other great features. The update is at the final stretch and scheduled to be released shortly. 
We look forward to receiving your feedback and continuing to bring you enhanced features down the road to make your cryptocurrency, financial, and blockchain experience more enjoyable.
You can find more information about our development plans:
All users are always welcomed to reach us out on our social media and in TG chats. 
Thank you all for your continuous support! Stay updated with the latest in Credits!
Please keep in mind that dates may change slightly due to a large amount of work and circumstances that may occur during testing. However, the Credits team will do its best to meet the required timelines! 

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